Flat Rate Air Conditioning & Heating
Milwaukee, WI (Wisconsin) 53202
Business Details
(414) 269-6114 (Primary Phone)
Opening Hours: |
24 Hours Service |
Payment Method: |
Products: | Heating, Furnaces, Service, All Makes & Models, Forced Air Systems, Boilers, Wall Heaters, Oil Heat, Humidfiers |
Services: | Heating, Furnaces, Air, Service, Installation, All Makes & Models, Fast Emergency Dispatched Fleet, Forced Air Systems, Boilers, Air Conditoning, Wall Heaters, Indoor Air Quality, Oil Heat, Steam Heating, Seasonal Service, Financing, Div. Flat Rate Plumbing Inc., Service To These Areas, Brown Deer, Greendale, Hales Corners, River Hills, Wauwatosa, Cedarburg, Delafield, Elm Grove, Lannon, Mequon, Wales |
Brands: | Franklin, Milwaukee, Shorewood, Hartford, Sussex, Waukesha |
Payment Mode: | Financing |
Certifications: | Air |
General Content: | Gas Furances, No Overtime, Plans Avaialble, Service, Bayside, Big Bend, Brookfield, Butler, Cudahy, Fast Emergnecy, Fiancing, Fox Point, Franklin, Germantown, Glendale, Greenfield, Hmidifiers, Hartland, Menomeonee Falls, Merton, Muskego, New Berlin, Oak Creek, Oconomowoc, Pewaukee, S. Milwaukee, St. Francis, Thiensville, W. Milwaukee, West Allis, West Bend, Whitefish Bay |
Professional Associations: | |
Discount Provided: | Senior Discount |
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- Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Heating Contractors
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