H&R Block
203 North Richmond Street
Appleton, WI (Wisconsin) 54911-4637
Appleton, WI (Wisconsin) 54911-4637
Business Details
62 years Since 1953
(920) 730-4303 (Fax) (920) 733-3181 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Checks, Walk-Ins |
Product Features: | Accounting |
Services: | The Income Tax People, Tax Preparationyear-Round Service, Audit Assistance, Quick Service, 401K Planning, Amendments, Asset Protection, Bookkeeping, Business Set Ups, Cash Management, College Funding, Commercial Accounting, Computer Systems Consulting, Computerized Electronic Filing, Computerized Fil, E-Filing, Electric Filing, Hot Line, Late Filers, Online Filing, Past Due Returns, Quick Books Consulting, Refund Claims, Refund Loans |
Service Features: | Direct Deposit, Guarantees, No Upfront Fees |
Brands: | Peachtree |
Specialties: | Asset Management, Business Management Consulting, Data Processing, Divorce Issues, Educational Savings Plans, Estate & Probate Issues, Incorporation Advice, Independent Contractors, Mergers & Acquisitions, Mor, Per, Asset Protection, College Funding, Injury Claims, Personal Injuries, Self-Employed Returns, Word Processing |
Programs Offered: | Accounting, Data Processing, Filing, Peachtree, Seminars |
Special Hours: | Information Line, Walk-Ins, Drop-Ins, No Appointment Necessary, No Appointments Necessary, No Appontment Necessary |
Payment Mode: | Direct Deposit |
General Content: | Guaranteed Accuracy, Peachtree |
Additional Categories
H&R Block is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Tax Return Preparation
- Tax Preparation Services
- Tax Return Preparation Services
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