Super One Foods
1347 4th Avenue South
Park Falls, WI (Wisconsin) 54552-1926
Park Falls, WI (Wisconsin) 54552-1926
Business Details
Doug Meier (Manager)
Products: | Bakery Items, Beer, Deli Items, Liquor, Alcohol |
Services: | Bakery, Deli & Food Service, Baked Goods, Delicatessen |
General Content: | Supermarkets |
Sales Volume: | 10M - 20M |
Employee Size Range: | 50-99 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Super One Foods is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Groceries
- Grocery Stores
- Restaurants
- Supermarkets And Other Grocery (Except Convenience) Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Full-Service Restaurants
- Limited-Service Restaurants
- Grocery Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Eating Places