Grand Marquis Inn
840 Wisconsin Dells Parkway
Wisconsin Dells, WI (Wisconsin) 53965-9725
Wisconsin Dells, WI (Wisconsin) 53965-9725
Business Details
27 years Since 1988
Barbara Byrski (Manager)
(608) 253-9054 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Getaways, Packages, Reservations, Vacations, Bookings |
Location Features & Amenities: | Balconies & Decks, Bathtubs, Copiers, Family Suites, Gardens, Grills, Guest Rooms, Hot Tub Suites, Hotels, Indoor Pool, Mini-Suites, Picnic Areas, Pools, Studios, Jacuzzi Suites, Spa Suites, Whirlpool Suites |
Special Considerations: | Children Oriented, Family Oriented, Parking, Kid Oriented |
General Content: | 152170Attr:restaurant, Fitness Center, Hot Tubs, Internet, Pool |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 500K - 1M |
Employee Size Range: | 10-19 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Number of PC's: | 0-1 |
Square Footage: | 10000-39999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Grand Marquis Inn is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Motels & Hotels
- Hotels (Except Casino Hotels) And Motels
- Hotels & Motels
Related Categories in Wisconsin Dells, WI
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