Superior Plumbing Mechanical Inc
61566 Vista Road
Marengo, WI (Wisconsin) 54855-4488
Marengo, WI (Wisconsin) 54855-4488
Business Details
14 years Since 2001
Ed Redinger (Manager)
(715) 278-3476 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Air Conditioning, Commercial Services, Construction, Installations, Plumbing, Remodeling, Residential Services, Septic Systems, Soil Testing, Testing & Diagnostics |
Specialties: | Air Conditioning Systems, Commercial Equipment, Heating & Cooling, New Appliances, Commercial Grade |
Industry Type: | Manufacturer |
Professionals on Staff: | Plumbing Contractors |
Credit Rating: | Very Good |
Sales Volume: | 500K - 1M |
Employee Size Range: | 5-9 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Superior Plumbing Mechanical Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Air Conditioning Contractors
- Plumbing Contractors
- Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Plumbing Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Air Conditioning Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Plumbing Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Air Conditioning Contractors