Stevens-Henager College
755 South Main Street
Logan, UT (Utah) 84321-5402
Logan, UT (Utah) 84321-5402
Business Details
124 years Since 1891
Sharla Lemon (Administrative)
(435) 713-4777 (Primary Phone) (435) 755-7611 (Fax) (435) 755-7626 (Primary Phone) (800) 231-7306 (Toll Free) (800) 290-8172 (Toll Free) (800) 385-2318 (Toll Free)
Payment Method: |
Services: | College, Financial Aid For Qualified Students, Associate's And Bachelor's Degrees, Day Evening And Online* Classes, Employment Assistance For Graduates, Classes Start Every Month!, Career Placement, Employer Networks, Employment Assistance, Financial Assistance, Tuition Assistance, Workforce Development |
Programs Offered: | Accelerated Programs, Accounting, Associate Degrees, Bachelor Degrees, Business, Certificate Programs, Computer Networking, Computer Programming, Day, Design, Graduate Degrees, Accelerated Courses, Administration, Business Management, Graphic Arts, Health Care, Medicine |
Certifications: | Accredited |
General Content: | Graphic Arts I Technology, Healthcare I Business, Offered By Independence University, Since 1891 |
Employee Size Range: | 20-49 |
Fortune 500: | No |
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