Niko Nikos Greek And American Cafe
2520 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX (Texas) 77006-2729
Houston, TX (Texas) 77006-2729
Business Details
Services: | Catering |
General Content: | 195251Attr:bar, Catering, Award-Winning |
Additional Categories
Niko Nikos Greek And American Cafe is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Cafe & Restaurant
- Restaurant American
- Restaurant Greek
- Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants > European Cuisine > Restaurant Greek
- Full-Service Restaurants > North American Restaurants > Restaurant American
- Limited-Service Restaurants
- Cafeterias > Restaurants: Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms
- Eating Places
- Eating Places > Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms
- Eating Places > European Cuisine > Restaurant Greek
- Eating Places > North American Restaurants > Restaurant American