Seventh Day Adventist Church Of Dallas
4009 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX (Texas) 75204-3166
Dallas, TX (Texas) 75204-3166
Business Details
James Gilley (Religious Leader)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Christian |
Product Features: | Christian |
Services: | Baptisms, Weddings, Christenings, Marriage Ceremonies, Pastoral Counseling, Special Events |
Service Features: | Child Care Provided, Children's Church, Christian, Contemporary Music, Prayer, Preaching, Sunday School, Attended Nursery, Babysitting Provided, Church School, Kid's Church, Messages, Nursery Provided, Nursery School |
Specialties: | Christian, Special Events |
Programs Offered: | Adult Programs, Art Programs, Bible Study, Christian School, Family Programs, Family Training, Midweek Programs, Sabbath School, Small Group Programs, Special Events, Bible Based, Bible Believing, Bible Centered, Bible Class, Bible School, Bible Teaching |
Location Features & Amenities: | Sanctuary |
General Content: | Bible Study, 053000Attr:podcast, 258031Attr:podcast, 258091Attr:podcast, Celebration, Christian, Contemporary, Evangelistic, Inspirational, Seventh Day Adventist |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 2 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Seventh Day Adventist Church Of Dallas is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Church & Religious Associations & Organizations
- Churches Adventist
- Churches Seventh Day Adventist
- Religious Organizations
- Religious Organizations > Churches, Adventist > Churches Seventh Day Adventist
- Religious Organizations
- Religious Organizations > Churches, Adventist > Churches Seventh Day Adventist
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