Miller's Pharmacy
102 East Dallas Avenue
Cooper, TX (Texas) 75432-2043
Cooper, TX (Texas) 75432-2043
Business Details
70 years Since 1945
Yogi Patel (Manager)
(903) 395-2127 (Primary Phone) (903) 395-3160 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Allergy Medicines, Alternative Medicines, Collectibles, Creams, Skin Care, Veterinary Medications, Natural Medicines, Natural Products, Natural Remedies, Pet Medications, Veterinary Compounding |
Services: | Cafe & Food Services, Compounded Prescriptions, Copying Services, Fax Services, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Pharmacies, Formulations, Photocopying |
Ordering Methods: | Order Online, Order By Internet |
Professionals on Staff: | Pharmacists |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 5-9 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Fortune 500: | No |
Ethnicity: | Hindu |
Additional Categories
Miller's Pharmacy is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Hospital & Medical Equipment & Supplies
- Pharmacies/Drug Stores
- Medical, Dental, And Hospital Equipment And Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
- Pharmacies And Drug Stores > Pharmacies
- Medical & Hospital Equipment
- Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores > Pharmacies