Citizens Bank
407 Main Street North
Carthage, TN (Tennessee) 37030-1207
Carthage, TN (Tennessee) 37030-1207
Business Details
33 years Since 1982
Wg Jr (Ceo)
(615) 256-2912 (Primary Phone) (615) 735-1490 (Primary Phone) (615) 735-1563 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Interest Checki, Automobile Loans, Bonds, Business Accounts, Certificates Of Deposit, Checking Accounts, Credit Cards, Credit Line Accounts, Debit Cards, Equity Loans, Free Checking, Home Loans, Home-Improvemen, Atm Cards, Auto Loan, Bank Cards, Cds, Check Cards, Checking With Interest, Commercial Banking, Corporate Banking, Educational Loans, Individual Retirement Accounts, Merchant Accounts, Real Estate, Retail Banking, Cash-Out Loans, Equities, Equity Lines, Fixed Income Securities, Homeowner Loan, Retirement Account, Vehicle Loan |
Product Features: | No Atm Fees, No Service Charge, Overdraft Protection, Safe Deposit Boxes |
Services: | A Full Service Bank, Account Information, Brokerage Services, Computer Services, Internet Services, Transfer Money, Cds, Commercial Accounts, Corporate Accounts, Deposit Boxes, E-Services, Home Loans, Internet Access, Iras |
Service Features: | Business Accounts, Commercial Accounts |
Specialties: | Mutual Funds, Stocks |
Programs Offered: | Mortgages |
Special Considerations: | Student Loans |
Certifications: | Certified, Equal Housing Lender, Fdic, Insured |
General Content: | Nashville Telno, Savings & Loan Associations |
Credit Rating: | Very Good |
Sales Volume: | 100M+ |
Employee Size Range: | 50-99 |
Franchise/Chain: | Headquarters |
Number of PC's: | 10-29 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Banks
- Commercial Banking > Commercial Banks
- Commercial Banks, Nec > Commercial Banks
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