Manoir Du Chemin Pour La Sobriete
120 Rue 2 East
Senneterre, QC (Quebec) J0Y2M0
Senneterre, QC (Quebec) J0Y2M0
Additional Categories
Manoir Du Chemin Pour La Sobriete is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment Centers
- Addiction Information & Treatment Centers
- Outpatient Mental Health And Substance Abuse Centers > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics
- Outpatient Mental Health And Substance Abuse Centers > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics > Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Treatment Centers
- Outpatient Mental Health And Substance Abuse Centers > Addiction Services (Other Than Substance Abuse)
- Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Nec > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics
- Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Nec > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics > Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Treatment Centers
- Individual And Family Social Services > Addictions Services (Other Than Substance Abuse)