Jem Electronics
6622 Castor Avenue
Philadelphia, PA (Pennsylvania) 19149-2111
Philadelphia, PA (Pennsylvania) 19149-2111
Business Details
(215) 743-3030 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Services: | On-Site Services, System Maintenance & Check Ups, Troubleshooting, Computer Problems |
Brands: | Intel, Microsoft |
Certifications: | Certified |
General Content: | 058810Attr:repairs, 059810Attr:software, Printers, Spyware/virus Removal |
Additional Categories
Jem Electronics is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Computers & Equipment Repairs & Maintenance
- Computers & Equipment
- Computer And Software Stores
- Computer And Office Machine Repair And Maintenance
- Computer And Computer Software Stores
- Computer Maintenance And Repair