Donegal Industries
860 Anderson Ferry Road
Mount Joy, PA (Pennsylvania) 17552-9750
Mount Joy, PA (Pennsylvania) 17552-9750
Business Details
Patrick Moran (President)
(717) 653-1088 (Primary Phone) (717) 653-1486 (Primary Phone) (717) 653-5083 (Primary Phone)
Products: | Children's & Teen Clothing, Kids |
Product Features: | Infants, Baby, Newborn |
Industry Type: | Wholesale |
General Content: | Possible Fax |
Sales Volume: | 20M - 50M |
Employee Size Range: | 2 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Donegal Industries is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Mens Clothing & Furnishings Manufacturers
- Outerwear Manufacturers
- Women's & Children's Clothing
- Men's And Boys' Cut And Sew Apparel Contractors > Men's Clothing - Mfr
- Men's And Boys' Cut And Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing
- Women's And Girls' Cut And Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing
- Women's, Children's, And Infants' Clothing And Accessories Merchant Wholesalers
- Men's And Boys' Clothing, Nec > Men's & Boys' Outerwear
- Men's And Boys' Clothing, Nec > Mens Clothing Manufacturer
- Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Outerwear, Nec
- Girls', Children's And Infants' Outerwear, Nec
- Waterproof Outerwear
- Women's & Children's Clothing