Ace Moving & Storage Bekins
7248 Penn Drive
Allentown, PA (Pennsylvania) 18106-9310
Allentown, PA (Pennsylvania) 18106-9310
Business Details
(610) 530-8950 (Primary Phone) (610) 935-8780 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Boxes, Crates, Packing Supplies, Bins, Cartons, Packaging Materials, Packaging Supplies, Packing Materials, We Sell Boxes |
Services: | Apartment, Business Moves, Business Services, Company Relocations, Corporate Moves, Corporate Services, Handling, Homeowners, Household, Moving Guides, Neighborhood, Office Moves, Personal Storage |
Specialties: | Antiques, Computers, Electronics, Fine Art, Grand Pianos, Pool Tables, Artworks, Heirlooms, Office Equipment, Oils, Pictures |
Certifications: | Insured |
Additional Categories
Ace Moving & Storage Bekins is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Moving & Storage
- Moving & Storage Full Service
- General Freight Trucking, Local
- Used Household And Office Goods Moving
- Local Trucking With Storage