Shonnard's Nursery Florist And Landscape
6600 Southwest Philomath Boulevard
Corvallis, OR (Oregon) 97333-1022
Corvallis, OR (Oregon) 97333-1022
Business Details
34 years Since 1981
Christopher Shonnard (Owner)
Opening Hours: |
24 Hours/7 Days 7 Days a Week/Daily/Everyday |
Payment Method: |
Products: | Nursery Stock, Ponds, Annuals, Arrangements, Bath & Beauty Products, Blooming Plants, Bushes & Shrubs, Exotics & Tropicals, Florist Supplies, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Garden Supplies, Gift Baskets, Cut Flowers, Garden Center, Hawaiian, Hedges, Rare Plants, Seafood, Shrubbery, Unusual Plants, Water Gardens |
Product Features: | Local, Seasonal, Domestic, Holidays |
Services: | Consultations, Backflow Devices, Backflow Testing, Clean Up Services, Courtyards & Gardens, Creeks & Streams, Decks & Patios, Drip Irrigation, Equipment Repairs, Gift Shop, Installations, Advice, Designer, Drip Systems, Land Cleaning, Landscape Installation, Lot Cleaning, Planning, Plant Installation, Refurbishments, Renovations, Restorations, Sprinkling Systems, Terraces, Upgrades, Waterscaping |
Service Features: | Guarantees |
Specialties: | Funerals & Memorials, Wedding Ceremonies, Bridal |
Ordering Methods: | Order Online, Internet Orders, Shop Online, Web Store |
Professionals on Staff: | Contractors, Designers, Florists |
General Content: | 132550Attr:sprinklers, Landscape Design, Patios |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 20-49 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Shonnard's Nursery Florist And Landscape is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Florists
- Florists
- Florists
Related Categories in Corvallis, OR
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