Burlingham Seeds Llc
8883 Rickreall Road
Rickreall, OR (Oregon) 97371
Rickreall, OR (Oregon) 97371
Business Details
Pat Mcclain (Executive)
Products: | Grass Seed, Turf, Seed & Grain, Forage Equipment, Home Supplies, Storage, Domestic, Lawns, Farms |
Product Features: | Domestic |
Services: | Customer Support, Deliveries, Design, Domestic, Farms, Storage |
Service Features: | Domestic |
Brands: | Universal |
Specialties: | Domestic Animals, Farms, Lawns, Customer Support, Domestic, Turf |
Programs Offered: | Design |
Location Features & Amenities: | Storage |
Groups Served: | Farms |
Industry Type: | Distributor, Domestic |
Sales Volume: | 2M - 5M |
Employee Size Range: | 2 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Burlingham Seeds Llc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Agricultural Seeding & Spraying
- Fertilizer
- Soil Preparation, Planting, And Cultivating
- Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers > Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals > Fertilizer
- Crop Planting & Protecting
- Farm Supplies > Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals > Fertilizer