Choctaw Florist
15515 Northeast 23rd Street & Mcdonald Road
Choctaw, OK (Oklahoma) 73020
Choctaw, OK (Oklahoma) 73020
Business Details
35 years Since 1980
Payment Method: |
Products: | Fresh Flowers Silks Plants Etc., Balloon Bouquets, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, Gifts, Corsages |
Services: | Teleflora, Ftd, Quality Floral Arrangements, Wedding Service, Funeral Designs, Gifts |
Brands: | Teleflora, Ftd |
General Content: | 800Flowers, Locally Owned & Operated, Since 1980, Wire Sewice |
Delivery: | Delivery Available |
Additional Categories
Choctaw Florist is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Florists
- Gifts
- Wedding Ceremony Locations
- Wedding Arrangement Services
- Florists
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Stores
- All Other Personal Services > Wedding & Bridal Services > Wedding Ceremony Locations
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shops
- Florists
- Miscellaneous Personal Services, Nec > Wedding & Bridal Services > Wedding Ceremony Locations