Miller Gus Electric
32393 South 599 Loop
Grove, OK (Oklahoma) 74344-7864
Grove, OK (Oklahoma) 74344-7864
Business Details
20 years Since 1995
(918) 964-0277 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Commercial Equipment, Dock Equipment, Docks, Generators, Residential Equipment |
Services: | Business, Fiber Cabling, Homes, Homeworks |
Brands: | Lennox |
Specialties: | Boat Docks |
Professionals on Staff: | Contractors |
Certifications: | Bonded, Insured |
Additional Categories
Miller Gus Electric is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Docks
- Port And Harbor Operations > Marine Cargo Handling; Docks, Piers & Terminals > Docks Operations & Management
- Marine Cargo Handling > Marine Cargo Handling; Docks, Piers & Terminals > Docks Operations & Management
Related Categories in Grove, OK
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