Power Clinic Of Chiropractic And Acupuncture
1180 North Hills Shopping Center
Ada, OK (Oklahoma) 74820-1864
Ada, OK (Oklahoma) 74820-1864
Business Details
29 years Since 1986
Calvin Nelson (Dc)
(580) 332-8230 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Acupuncture, Migraines/headaches, Sciatic, Auto & Work Injuries, Chiropractor, Counseling, Pressure Point Therapy, Spinal Care, Spinal Corrections |
Service Features: | Insurance Accepted |
Specialties: | Auto Injuries, Automobile Accident, Backache, Car Accidents, Car Crash, Car Wrecks, Head Pain, Job Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Musculoskeletal Conditions, Occupational Injuries |
Professionals on Staff: | Acupuncturist, Physician |
Payment Mode: | Most Insurance Accepted |
Certifications: | Certified |
General Content: | Consultations At No Cost, Elonda Power - Office Mgr, Lynn Hazday - Clinic Administrator, Neck/back/arm Pain, Nutritional I.v., Since 1985, Since 1986, E.d.t.a. Chelation, Edward Langston D.c., Vitamin & Dier Shots, 010701Attr:acupuncture, Chiropractic |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Power Clinic Of Chiropractic And Acupuncture is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Acupuncture & Acupressure
- Physicians & Surgeons Chiropractic
- Offices Of Chiropractors
- Offices Of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners > Acupressure & Acupuncture Specialists
- Offices And Clinics Of Chiropractors
- Offices And Clinics Of Health Practitioners, Nec > Acupressure & Acupuncture Specialists