Eddie Bauer
1901 Northwest Expressway Suite 1022
Oklahoma City, OK (Oklahoma) 73118-9209
Oklahoma City, OK (Oklahoma) 73118-9209
Business Details
67 years Since 1948
Tanya Brewer (Manager)
(405) 842-4676 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Bags, Belts, Blankets, Coats, Credit Cards, Dresses, Eyewear, Gift Certificates, Hats, Jeans & Denims, Lounge Wear, Luggage, Outdoor, Pants, Shirts, Shoes, Skirts, Sweaters, Vests, Wallets, Sportswear, Bedspreads, Billfolds, Caps, Cocktail, Eveninig, Eye Glasses, Footwear, Gowns, Handbags, Headwear, Jackets, Knitwear, Outerwear, Slacks, Sneakers, Tops, Trousers |
Product Features: | Casual, Men's, Outdoor, Women's, Gentlemen's, Gentlemens, Ladies, Leisure |
Services: | Belts, Credit Cards, Gift Certificates, Luggage, Outdoor, Gift Card |
Service Features: | Outdoor |
Specialties: | Bags, Belts, Blankets, Casual, Dresses, Hats, Luggage, Outdoor, Pants, Shirts, Shoes, Sweaters, Baggy Eyes, Exterior, Slacks |
Location Features & Amenities: | Blankets, Outdoor |
Groups Served: | Men's, Women's |
Ordering Methods: | Order By Catalog, Order By Phone, Order Online, Buy Online, Call, Catalog Orders, Internet Order, Internet Shopping, Online Order, Order By Internet, Phone Order, Shop |
General Content: | 055351Attr:petite, 055501Attr:shoes, Clothing, Clothing & Accessories Retail, Jeans, Shoes |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 2M - 5M |
Employee Size Range: | 10-19 |
Franchise/Chain: | Branch |
Number of PC's: | 0-1 |
Square Footage: | 40000+ |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Eddie Bauer is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Clothing & Accessories Retail
- Clothing
- Family Clothing Stores
- Family Clothing Stores
Related Categories in Oklahoma City, OK
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