Seagate Roofing & Waterproofing Co
623 Burbank Drive
Toledo, OH (Ohio) 43607-3234
Toledo, OH (Ohio) 43607-3234
Business Details
34 years Since 1981
Scott Elder (Owner)
(419) 464-9251 (Primary Phone) (419) 464-9739 (Primary Phone) (419) 536-0027 (Primary Phone) (419) 698-3434 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Metal, Roofing, Residential, Commercial, Homes, Platinum, Rooting, Windows, Siding, Insulation, Repair, Metal Roofing |
Services: | Emerbency Roof Repairs!, Low Prices!, Quality Work!, Metal, Roofing, Residential, Commercial, Insurance Estimates, Homes, Apartments Condos, Platinum, Preferred Contractor, Package Discounts!, Windows, Siding, Insulation, Repair, Financing Available, Financing Avaialble!, Roof Repairs!, Metal Roofing, Per Mo., Stone Coated Steel Roofing Systems, Business Services, Corporate Services |
Service Features: | Customized, Warranties |
Brands: | Residential, Commercial, Toledo! |
Specialties: | Basements, Chimneys, Crawl Spaces, Foundations, Leaks, Restaurants, Roofs, Skylights, Walls, Windows & Doors, Cellars |
Groups Served: | Commercial, Condominiums, Mobile Homes, Residential, Townhomes |
Special Hours: | 24-Hour Service, Emergency Services, Year Round Service, 365 Days A Year |
Professionals on Staff: | Contractors |
Payment Mode: | Financing Available |
Associations: | Better Business Bureau |
Certifications: | Roofing, Financing Available, Serving |
General Content: | 30 Years Of, No Gimmicks!, Or Crawl Space?, Real Contractors!, We Can Solve Any Foundation Problem!, 251680Attr:waterproofing |
Sales Volume: | 5M - 10M |
Discount Provided: | Senior Discount |
Additional Categories
Seagate Roofing & Waterproofing Co is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Waterproofing Contractors
- Other Foundation, Structure, And Building Exterior Contractors > Caulking, Waterproofing, Tinting & Weather-Stripping Contractors > Waterproofing Contractors
- Special Trade Contractors, Nec > Caulking, Waterproofing, Tinting & Weather-Stripping Contractors > Waterproofing Contractors