Wegmans Pharmacy
Fairport Road
East Rochester, NY (New York) 14445
East Rochester, NY (New York) 14445
Business Details
Gloria Hunter (Manager)
(585) 248-8692 (Primary Phone) (585) 248-8694 (Primary Phone)
Products: | Pizza Or Sub Shops, Pizza Pie |
Services: | Pharmacy |
Specialties: | Parties, Fiestas |
General Content: | Get A Great Easy Meal At Our, 109430Attr:bakery, 262487Attr:delivery, Floral, Grocery Stores, Pharmacies/drug Stores, Supermarkets |
Sales Volume: | 50M - 100M |
Additional Categories
Wegmans Pharmacy is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Grocery Stores
- Pharmacies/Drug Stores
- Supermarkets And Other Grocery (Except Convenience) Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Pharmacies And Drug Stores > Pharmacies
- Grocery Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores > Pharmacies
Related Categories in East Rochester, NY
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