Dr Michael Posner
22 Wall Street
Huntington, NY (New York) 11743-2091
Huntington, NY (New York) 11743-2091
Business Details
32 years Since 1983
Michael Posner
Payment Method: |
Products: | Orthotics |
Services: | Acupuncture, Computerized Exams, Cranial Adjustments, Deep Tissue Massage, Energy Balancing, Exercise Therapies, Extremities Adjustments, Massage Therapies, Naturopathic Treatments, Nutrition, Traction, Deep Muscle Massage, Extremity Treatment, Neuromuscular Massage |
Specialties: | Disc Conditions, Tmj Conditions, Temporomandibular Joint |
Professionals on Staff: | Physician |
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- Physicians & Surgeons Chiropractic
- Offices Of Chiropractors
- Offices And Clinics Of Chiropractors
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