Antin Ehrlich And Epstein
49 West 37th Street
New York, NY (New York) 10018-6216
New York, NY (New York) 10018-6216
Business Details
(212) 221-9592 (Primary Phone) (212) 246-6938 (Primary Phone) (718) 649-2800 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Settlements, Representation, Arbitration & Mediation, Litigation & Hearings, Advocacy, Agreements, Claims, Lawsuits, Negotiations, Trials, Violations |
Service Features: | Free Information |
Specialties: | Accidents, Drug, Malpractice, Personal Injury, Property Damage, Workers Compensation, Wrongful Death, Injury Claims, Personal Injuries |
Special Hours: | Hospital Visits |
General Content: | 021021Attr:personal Injury, Attorneys |
Additional Categories
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Attorneys
- Offices Of Lawyers
- Legal Services