Pasta La Vista Inc
1375 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY (New York) 10019-3811
New York, NY (New York) 10019-3811
Business Details
Stephan Forte (Owner)
(212) 765-2214 (Primary Phone) (212) 765-6033 (Primary Phone) (212) 765-6288 (Primary Phone)
Products: | Pasta Dishes |
Product Features: | Italian, Mexican, Italian Food, Italian Restaurant, Mexican Food, Mexican Restaurant |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 2 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Pasta La Vista Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Restaurant Italian
- Restaurant Mexican
- Restaurants
- Restaurant Pasta
- Full-Service Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants > Mexican Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants > Italian Restaurants > Restaurant Pasta
- Limited-Service Restaurants
- Eating Places
- Eating Places > Mexican Restaurants
- Eating Places > Italian Restaurants > Restaurant Pasta