Beth Abraham Memorial Chapel
199 Bleecker Street
New York, NY (New York) 10012-1444
New York, NY (New York) 10012-1444
Business Details
107 years Since 1908
(212) 431-6712 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Urns & Cremation Memorials, Cremation Containers, Cremation Memorialization |
Services: | Burials, Cremations, Shipping, Worldwide, Interment, Ship Outs, Shipments |
Service Features: | Catholic, Christian, Graveside, Guarantees, Islamic, Jewish, Non-Denominational, Non-Sectarian |
Location Features & Amenities: | Chapel, On-Site Crematory, Crematorium, Crematory On The Premises |
Special Hours: | 24-Hour Service, One Day Services |
General Content: | 099470Attr:caskets, Funeral Planning Services, Urns |
Additional Categories
Beth Abraham Memorial Chapel is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Funeral Planning Services
- Funeral Homes And Funeral Services > Funeral Planning Services
- Funeral Service And Crematories > Funeral Planning Services
Related Categories in New York, NY
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