Spectrum Concepts
1021 Aspen Valley Avenue
Las Vegas, NV (Nevada) 89123-3199
Las Vegas, NV (Nevada) 89123-3199
Business Details
Kevin Hockar (Owner)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Elastomerics, Coatings, Stucco, Concrete, Finishes, Wallpaper, Floors, Paint, Walls, Tile, Ceramic, Metal, Drywall, Trim, Baseboards, Windows, Plumbing |
Product Features: | Cleaning, Concrete, Metal |
Services: | Coatings, Exterior Work, Stucco, Stud Framing, Plumbing, Metal, Removal, Walls, Repairs, Painting, Floors, Trim, Windows, Interior Work, Cleaning |
Service Features: | Ceramic |
Specialties: | Baseboards, Ceramic, Coatings, Concrete, Drywall, Elastomerics, Exterior Work, Finishes, Floors, Interior Work, Metal, Paint, Plumbing, Stucco, Tile, Trim, Wallpaper, Walls, Windows |
Programs Offered: | Painting, Windows |
Location Features & Amenities: | Windows |
Professionals on Staff: | Contractors |
Certifications: | Licensed |
General Content: | 164970Attr:drywall Repair, Painting Contractors |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 2 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Spectrum Concepts is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Painting Contractors
- Painting And Wall Covering Contractors > Painting Contractors
- Painting & Paper Hanging > Painting Contractors
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