Chris Roberts Italian Grill And Bistro
2206 Route 37 East
Toms River, NJ (New Jersey) 08753-6094
Toms River, NJ (New Jersey) 08753-6094
Business Details
(732) 288-2525 (Primary Phone)
Additional Categories
Chris Roberts Italian Grill And Bistro is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Grills
- Restaurant Bistros
- Restaurant Italian
- Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants
- Full-Service Restaurants > Bars, Grills & Lounges
- Full-Service Restaurants > Italian Restaurants
- Limited-Service Restaurants > Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms > Restaurant Bistros
- Eating Places
- Eating Places > Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms > Restaurant Bistros
- Eating Places > Bars, Grills & Lounges
- Eating Places > Italian Restaurants