Belle Fabrics Industries Inc
2 John Street
Haledon, NJ (New Jersey) 07508-1461
Haledon, NJ (New Jersey) 07508-1461
Additional Categories
Belle Fabrics Industries Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Draperies & Upholstery
- Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber & Silk
- Piece Goods & Notions - Wholesale
- Broadwoven Fabric Mills
- Curtain And Drapery Mills
- Piece Goods, Notions, And Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers
- Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber And Silk
- Piece Goods, Notions And Other Dry Goods
- Drapery & Upholstery Stores