Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office, Bridging The Gap
1523 Vinton Street
Omaha, NE (Nebraska) 68108-1503
Omaha, NE (Nebraska) 68108-1503
Business Details
81 years Since 1934
(402) 556-1879 (Primary Phone) (877) 226-3632 (Primary Phone)
Services: | Information |
Service Features: | No Fees |
Specialties: | Addictions, Alcohol Abuse, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Chemical Dependency |
Programs Offered: | Mentoring |
Groups Served: | Adults, Individuals, Men, Seniors, Women, Aging, Elderly, Geriatrics, Personal |
Additional Categories
Alcoholics Anonymous is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers
- Outpatient Mental Health And Substance Abuse Centers > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics > Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Treatment Centers
- Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Nec > Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinics > Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Treatment Centers
Related Categories in Omaha, NE
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