First Citizens Bank
Offices, Fletcher & Atm Location
2900 Hendersonville Road
Fletcher, NC (North Carolina) 28732
Fletcher, NC (North Carolina) 28732
Business Details
117 years Since 1898
Kathy Huggins (Manager)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Business Accounts, Certificates Of Deposit, Checking Accounts, Credit Cards, Credit Line Accounts, Equity Loans, Home Loans, Individual Policies, Ira Accounts, Loans, Mortgages, Personal Accounts, Personal Loans, Retirement Plans, Roth Ira, Savings Accounts, Short-Term Policies, Cds, Commercial Banking, Corporate Banking, Individual Retirement Accounts, Merchant Accounts, Pension Plans, Personal Finance, Personal Policies, Private Banking, Real Estate, Retail Banking, Retirement Account |
Product Features: | No Atm Fees, No Service Charge, Overdraft Protection |
Services: | Account Inquiries, Auto Insurance, Banking, Bill Payment Services, Business Loans, Card Replacement, Check Verification & Recovery, College Funding, Consultations, Disability Income, Educational Planning, Financial Planning, Financial Services, Home Banking, Homeowners Insurance, Individual Services, Insurance, Investment Services, Online Services, Trust Planning, Wealth Management, Account Information, Automobile, Automobile Insurance, Brokerage Services, Business Services, Car, College Planning, College Saving, Commercial Loans, Commercial Services, Computer Services, Drivers Insurance, E-Services, Education Planning, Financial Solutions, Internet Services, Personal Services, Trust Management, Trust Services, Wealth Planning, Wealth Preservation |
Specialties: | Residential |
Certifications: | Fdic, Insured |
General Content: | 029090Attr:online Banking, Banks, Business Banking, Mobile Banking, Personal Banking |
Sales Volume: | 2M - 5M |
Employee Size Range: | 1 (appx) |
Additional Categories
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Banks
- Commercial Banking > Commercial Banks
- Commercial Banks, Nec > Commercial Banks
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