Woods Supermarket
703 East College Street
Bolivar, MO (Missouri) 65613-2630
Bolivar, MO (Missouri) 65613-2630
Business Details
4 years Since 2011
Richard Biehl (Controller)
(417) 276-3670 (Primary Phone) (417) 326-5208 (Primary Phone) (417) 326-7602 (Primary Phone) (417) 326-7603 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
General Content: | Bakery, Fuel, Supermarkets, 109360Attr:floral, 109430Attr:floral, 225520Attr:fuel Saving, 262487Attr:delivery, Floral, Groceries, Grocery Stores, Pharmacies/drug Stores, Vaccinations |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 5-9 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Woods Supermarket is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Groceries
- Grocery Stores
- Supermarkets
- Pharmacies/Drug Stores
- Supermarkets And Other Grocery (Except Convenience) Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Pharmacies And Drug Stores > Pharmacies
- Grocery Stores > Markets & Supermarkets
- Grocery Stores > Grocery Stores, By Name
- Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores > Pharmacies
Related Categories in Bolivar, MO
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