Stern Heating & Cooling Inc
34181 180th Avenue
Red Wing, MN (Minnesota) 55066-7228
Red Wing, MN (Minnesota) 55066-7228
Business Details
Opening Hours: |
24 Hours Service |
Payment Method: |
Products: | Fireplaces, Furnaces, Heat Pumps, Pellets |
Services: | Air Conditioning Systems, Cleaning, Geothermal Systems, Installations |
Brands: | American Standard |
Specialties: | Air Conditioning, Heating, Cooling |
Professionals on Staff: | Contractors, Installers |
Certifications: | Bonded, Insured, Licensed |
Additional Categories
Stern Heating & Cooling Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Heating Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Heating Contractors
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