Con-Way Central Express
7859 East 34 Road
Cadillac, MI (Michigan) 49601-8839
Cadillac, MI (Michigan) 49601-8839
Business Details
86 years Since 1929
Doran Hoag (Manager)
Products: | Carriers, Domestic, Packaging, Native |
Product Features: | Domestic, International, Local, Statewide, American, Exotic Cuisine, International Food, International Restaurant, United States, World Cuisine |
Services: | Carriers, Commercial Services, Packaging, Set-Up, Warehousing, Domestic, International, Local, Nationwide, American, Business, Commercial Buildings, Commercial Printing, Commercial Properties, Commercial Work, Companies, Company Services, Corporate Services, Entrepren |
Service Features: | Commercial Services, Domestic, International, Local, Nationwide, Statewide, 50 States, All States, Coast To Coast, Community, Cross Country, Ethnic, Foreign, Global, Interstate, Intrastate, National, Overseas, Short Distance, Usa, Worldwide |
Brands: | International, Nationwide |
Specialties: | Domestic, International, Local, Nationwide, Packaging, Statewide, Global, Packing, Worldwide |
Groups Served: | Statewide |
Industry Type: | International, Local, Warehousing |
Special Considerations: | Nationwide, Packaging, Statewide, Coast To Coast |
Special Hours: | Local, Nationwide, Statewide |
General Content: | Local, Nationwide |
Sales Volume: | 10M - 20M |
Employee Size Range: | 1 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Con-Way Central Express is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Trucking Motor Freight
- General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload > Trucking Motor Vehicles
- Trucking Except Local > Trucking Motor Vehicles
Related Categories in Cadillac, MI
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