Fabian Sklar & King Pc
33450 West 12 Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI (Michigan) 48331-3350
Farmington Hills, MI (Michigan) 48331-3350
Business Details
24 years Since 1991
Fabian Sklar (Owner)
(248) 553-2002 (Primary Phone)
Services: | The Fire Injury Explosion & Property Damage Attorneys, Owners In Fire And Property Damage Claims, Death And Injury Casestfrom Fires, And Explosions, Advocacy, Claims, Violations |
Brands: | Fabian |
Specialties: | Death Claims, Defective Products, Fires & Explosions, Insurance Law, Property Damage, Fatalities, Faulty Products, Products Liability, Unsafe Products |
Certifications: | Against Insurance Companies, Certified Fire & Explosion Investigators |
General Content: | We Represent Homeowners And Business, And Nationally Recognized Authors, Insurance Agent Errors And Omissions Cases, On Insurance Law., ? Den End I.ery Cases From Fires, ? We Represent Heeowners End Baieen Mars In Fire End Propetty Damage Claims Igijist Iisuraice Companies, Insurance Agent And Omissions Cases, On Nsurance Law., Sklar, Sklar &king, And Epios Ois, 021021Attr:personal Injury, 021860Attr:product Liability, Wrongful Death |
Credit Rating: | Good |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 5-9 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Fabian Sklar & King Pc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Attorneys
- Attorneys Insurance Law & Coverage
- Offices Of Lawyers > Attorneys Personal Injury Law > Attorneys Insurance Law
- Legal Services > Attorneys Personal Injury Law > Attorneys Insurance Law