Rockville, MD (Maryland) 20850
Business Details
83 years Since 1932
Payment Method: |
Products: | Apartments, Birds, Condominiums, Crickets, Downspouts, Drainage, Gutters, Insects, Roofs, Ventilation, Chemicals, Repellents, Agricultural Chemicals, Chemical Products, Condos, Exhaust Systems, Farm Chemicals, Spa Chemicals |
Product Features: | Commercial, Condominiums, Indoors |
Services: | Fumigation, Inspections, Moisture, Pet Safe & Child Safe, Prevention Treatments, Removals, Single Treatments, Subterranean Treatments, Ventilatio, Accounts, Apartments, Backflow Devices, Backflow Prevention, Baiting Systems, Barriers & Screens, Chemicals, Commercial, Condominiums, Consultations, Contracts, Credit, Downspouts, Drainage, Extermination |
Service Features: | Business, Housing Programs, No Odors, Odor Free |
Brands: | Sentricon, Servicemaster, Terminix |
Specialties: | Ants, Apartments, Backflow Devices, Bedbugs, Bees, Beetles, Birds, Centipedes & Millipedes, Chemicals, Cockroaches, Commercial, Condominiums, Consultations, Contracts, Crawl Spaces, Crickets, Damage & Repairs, Downspouts, Drainage, Earwigs, Fleas & Ticks, Geese, Gutters, Homes, Housing, Indoors, Insects, Lawn & Gardens, Mice & Rats, Mosquitoes, Moths, Outdoors, Properties, Residential, Roaches, Rodents, Roofs, Silverfish, Spiders, Structural Damage, Termites, Wasps, Water Bug, Ant Control, Avian, Bugs, Business, Condos, Corporate, Exterior, Flats, Grass, Home, Home Interiors, Homebuilding, House, Households, Houses, Industrial, Interior, Landscapes, Lodging, Residence, Spouts, Swarms, Turf, Vermin, Workplace, Yards |
Location Features & Amenities: | Apartments, Bees, Condominiums, Housing, Indoors, Outdoors, Roofs, Suites |
Groups Served: | Apartments, Birds, Commercial, Condominiums, Residential, Rodents, Condos |
Special Considerations: | Contracts |
Payment Mode: | Credit, Accounts |
General Content: | Condominiums, Consultations |
Additional Categories
Terminix is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls
- Pest & Termite Control
- Exterminating And Pest Control Services > Pest Control Services > Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls
- Disinfecting & Pest Control Services > Pest Control Services > Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls
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