Home Instead Senior Care
221 South Main Street
Bel Air, MD (Maryland) 21014-3824
Bel Air, MD (Maryland) 21014-3824
Business Details
Brice Irwin (Owner)
(410) 420-7925 (Fax) (410) 420-7950 (Primary Phone) (410) 420-8099 (Primary Phone)
Services: | Activities, Alzheimers Care, Assisted Living Services, Companionship, Errands & Shopping, Hourly Care, Housekeeping, In Home Care, Meal Preparation, Medication Management, Non Medical Care, On Call Services, Chores, Cooking, Domestic Maintenance, Drivers, Escort, Feeding, Food Preparation, Home Management, Homemaking, Housework, Medication Assistance, Medication Supervision, Prescriptions |
Service Features: | Background Checks, Employee Screening |
Specialties: | Alzheimers, Trusts |
Programs Offered: | Shopping |
Groups Served: | Seniors, Aging, Elderly, Geriatrics |
Special Considerations: | Individualized Care, Nurse Supervision, Individual |
Professionals on Staff: | Caregivers, Personal Care Assistants |
Certifications: | Bonded, Insured, Trained |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 5M - 10M |
Employee Size Range: | 50-99 |
Franchise/Chain: | Branch |
Number of PC's: | 10-29 |
Square Footage: | 40000+ |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Home Instead Senior Care is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Home Health Agencies & Services
- Senior Citizens Service & Health Organizations
- Home Health Care Services
- Services For The Elderly And Persons With Disabilities > Adult & Geriatric Social Services > Senior Citizens Service & Health Organizations
- Home Health Care Services
- Individual And Family Social Services > Adult & Geriatric Social Services > Senior Citizens Service & Health Organizations