Micro Electronics Inc
9294 Metcalf Avenue
Overland Park, KS (Kansas) 66212-1478
Overland Park, KS (Kansas) 66212-1478
Business Details
(800) 207-3434 (Primary Phone) (913) 341-4297 (Primary Phone) (913) 652-6000 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
General Content: | 080400Attr:batteries, Electronic Equipment & Supplies, Power Supplies, Switches |
Additional Categories
Micro Electronics Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Computers & Equipment
- Electronic Equipment & Supplies
- Other Electronic Parts And Equipment Merchant Wholesalers > Electronic Equipment & Supplies
- Computer And Software Stores
- Electronic Parts & Equipment > Electronic Equipment & Supplies
- Computer And Computer Software Stores