Cigar Chateau & Gifts
3049 North Rock Road
Wichita, KS (Kansas) 67226-1310
Wichita, KS (Kansas) 67226-1310
Business Details
Wendy Jacob (Owner)
Products: | Wine, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco |
Services: | Designs |
General Content: | Wichita's Premier Tobacco Shop, Diamond Crown Cigar Lounge, East, East Diamond Crown Cigar Lounge, 053310Attr:cigar Lounge |
Sales Volume: | 2M - 5M |
Employee Size Range: | 1 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Cigar Chateau & Gifts is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Cigar Cigarette & Tobacco Dealers
- Gifts
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Stores
- Tobacco Stores
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shops
- Tobacco Stores And Stands