Indianapolis, IN (Indiana) 46201
Business Details
38 years Since 1977
(317) 788-0338 (Primary Phone) (317) 834-0500 (Primary Phone) (317) 858-9814 (Primary Phone) (317) 873-9814 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Carpet Care Products, Carpeting, Carpets, Ceramic, Chemicals, Child Safe, Cleaners, Degreasers, Dispensers, Drapes, Floor Care Products, Furnishings, Gift Certificates, Granite, Grout, Houses / Homes, M, Odor Control, Removal Products, Agricultural Chemicals, Asian Carpets, Car Seats, Chemical Products, Chinese Rugs, Drapery, Fabrics, Farm Chemicals, Rock, Spa Chemicals |
Product Features: | Ceramic, Dispensers, Granite, Marble, Slate, Stone, Terrazzo |
Services: | Allergen Removal, Area Rug Cleaning, Bacteria Removal, Boat Cleaning, Carbonated Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Drying, Carpeting, Chemicals, Cleaning & Reconditioning, Custom Upholstery, Damage & Restoration, Corporate Services, Degreasing, Disinfecting, Drapery Cleaning, Dry Foam Cleaning, Estimates, Fab, Biodegradable, Buffing, Build Back, Business Services, Businesses, Carry Out, Cleaning Compounds, Commercial Buildings, Commercial Properties, Concrete Sealing, Damage, Detailing, Dine In, Dirty Tile Grout, Eat In, Environmentally Safe, Fabric Cleaning & Protection, Flooding, Gift Card, Homes, Houses, Interiors, No Chemicals, Quick Drying, Residentia |
Service Features: | Ceramic, Child Safe, Commercial Services, Environmentally Safe, Guarantees, No Soap, One-Hour Service, Environmentally Aware, Environmentally Conscious, Environmentally Friendlly, Environmentally Responsible, No Environmental Harm, No Powder, Soap Free |
Specialties: | Bleach Stains, Blood Stains, Carpet & Rugs, Carpeting, Carpets, Cars, Ceramic, Chemicals, Coffee & Tea Stains, Drapes, Furnishings, Granite, Grease Stains, Grout, Gum Removal, Houses / Homes, Ink Stains, Kool Aid Stains, Le, Marble, Materia |
Location Features & Amenities: | Carpeting, Drapes |
Special Considerations: | Environmentally Conscious, Environmentally Safe, Equipment & Supplies Provided, Non-Toxic, Uniformed Workers, Built Green, Equipment Furnished, Supplies Furnished |
Special Hours: | 24-Hour Service, By Appointment Only, Emergency Services, One-Hour Service |
Professionals on Staff: | Cleaners |
Associations: | Better Business Bureau |
Certifications: | Certified, Trained |
General Content: | Brownsburg Tel No, Martinsville Tel No, Mooresville Tel No, Zionsville Tel No |
Additional Categories
Chem-Dry is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Carpet & Rug Cleaners
- Fire & Water Damage Restoration
- Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning Services > Drapery Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
- Other Services To Buildings And Dwellings > Restoration & Preservation Services > Fire & Water Damage Restoration
- Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning > Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Nec
- Repair Shops And Related Services, Nec > Restoration & Preservation Services > Fire & Water Damage Restoration
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