Sunright America
6205 South International Drive
Columbus, IN (Indiana) 47201-3034
Columbus, IN (Indiana) 47201-3034
Business Details
Makoto Torisu (Owner)
(812) 342-3013 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3190 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3191 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3316 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3353 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3410 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3506 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-3799 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-4233 (Primary Phone) (812) 342-4299 (Primary Phone)
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 20M - 50M |
Employee Size Range: | 100-249 |
Square Footage: | 40000+ |
Fortune 500: | No |
Ethnicity: | Japanese |
Additional Categories
Sunright America is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Automobile Parts & Supplies
- Fasteners
- Motor Vehicle Supplies & New Parts
- Automotive Parts And Accessories Stores
- Hardware Stores > Bolts, Joints & Fasteners
- Motor Vehicle Supplies & New Parts
- Hardware Stores > Bolts, Joints & Fasteners
- Auto & Home Supply Stores