Diversey Medical Center
2320 West Peterson Avenue Floor 2
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60659-5244
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60659-5244
Business Details
(773) 262-8700 (Primary Phone) (773) 274-0479 (Primary Phone) (773) 338-4646 (Primary Phone) (773) 465-4444 (Primary Phone) (773) 508-9300 (Primary Phone) (773) 508-9800 (Primary Phone) (773) 508-9831 (Primary Phone) (872) 208-3641 (Primary Phone) (872) 208-3679 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Joint Replacement, Laser Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Management, Pain Treatment |
Service Features: | Workers Compensation |
Specialties: | Fractures, Injuries, Oncology, Oral Surgery, Ulcers |
Special Hours: | 24-Hour Service |
Professionals on Staff: | Nurses |
Additional Categories
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Clinics & Medical Centers
- Offices Of Physical, Occupational And Speech Therapists, And Audiologists
- Offices And Clinics Of Health Practitioners, Nec
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