Freer Interiors
7319 North Western Avenue
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60645-1813
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60645-1813
Business Details
46 years Since 1969
Dave Freer (Owner)
(773) 915-8319 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Thousands Of Designer, Fabrics To Choose From!, Roman Shades, Valances, Swags, Comforters, Fashion Fabrics, Micro Blinds, Window Bllinds, Window Shades |
Product Features: | Fabric |
Services: | Custom Upholstery, Custom Drapes, Reupholstering, Upholstering |
Service Features: | Guarantees |
Brands: | Roman |
Specialties: | Antique Furniture, Fabrics, Refinishing, Upholstery |
General Content: | Shop At Home, Want It Done Right?, Same Owner, Since 1969, Same Owner Since 1969, Custom Uphlstery, Custom Upholstery Want It Done Right, 076090Attr:valances, 100860Attr:upholstery, 265368Attr:upholstery, Draperies & Curtains, Furniture Repairing, Refinishing & Restoring, Reupholstery & Furniture Repair, Upholstery |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Freer Interiors is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Draperies & Curtains
- Furniture Repairing, Refinishing & Restoring
- Interior Decorators & Designers
- Reupholstery & Furniture Repair
- Curtain And Drapery Mills > Drapery & Upholstery Stores
- Interior Design Services > Decorating & Designing Services > Interior Decorators & Designers
- Reupholstery And Furniture Repair > Furniture Refinishing & Repair
- Drapery & Upholstery Stores
- Business Services, Nec > Decorating & Designing Services > Interior Decorators & Designers
- Reupholstery And Furniture Repair > Furniture Refinishing & Repair
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