Office Direct Inc
123 West Madison Street Suite 606
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60602-4624
Chicago, IL (Illinois) 60602-4624
Business Details
(312) 739-0035 (Primary Phone) (312) 739-0703 (Primary Phone) (312) 739-1741 (Primary Phone) (312) 739-1743 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Computers, Filing Cabinets, Offices, Business, Commercial, Corporate |
Services: | Buy & Sell, Installation & Set Up, Assembly, Bought, Purchase, Sold |
Brands: | Madison Square |
Ordering Methods: | Order By Phone |
General Content: | 158410Attr:paper, Computers, Printers |
Additional Categories
Office Direct Inc is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Office Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Stationery Retail
- Furniture Retail & Wholesale
- Furniture Merchant Wholesalers
- Furniture Stores
- Office Supplies And Stationery Stores
- Furniture
- Furniture Stores
- Stationery Stores > Bookbinders & Covers > Office Equipment & Supplies
Related Categories in Chicago, IL
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