Best Buy
1705 Norman Drive Suite A
Valdosta, GA (Georgia) 31601-8414
Valdosta, GA (Georgia) 31601-8414
Business Details
49 years Since 1966
Travis Morgan (Manager)
Payment Method: |
Products: | 2-Way Radios, Accounting & Financial Software, Adapters, Air Conditioners, Amplifiers & Tubes, Answering Machines, Antennas, Audio / Visual Equipment, Audio Visual Equipment, Bags & Cases, Batteries, Belt Clips, Ac, Aerials, Audio Equipment, Audio Systems, Automobile Electronics, Av Equipment, Cad Software, Calling Cards, Car Chargers, Car Tvs, Cds, Cell Phones, Cellular Phones, Cellular Telephones, Coffee Machines |
Product Features: | Action & Adventure, Action / Adventure, Anime / Japanimation, Blues, Classical & Opera, Comedy, Country & Western, Drama, Easy Listening, Family & Children's, Folk & Traditional, Foreign, Horror / Thrillers, Jazz, C & W, Cartoons, Humor, International, Kid's, Manga, Rhythm & Blues, Science Fiction, World Music |
Services: | Animation, Digital Television, Financing Available, Gift Certificates, Home Audio, Imports, Service Contracts, Set-Up & Installation, Tv Entertainment, Digital Tv, Flash, Gift Cards, Imaging, Instant Credit, Maintenance Agreements, Maintenance Contracts, Maintenance Plans, Payment Plans, Radio, Service Plans, Set Ups, Tv Programming |
Service Features: | Educational, Sports, Warranties |
Brands: | Acer, Alpha, Alpine, Amp'd Mobile, Apple, Asus, Ati, Best Case, Blackberry, Blackbird, Bluelife, Bose, Bush, Canon, Case Logic, Casio, Cingular, Cobra, Compaq Presario, Creative Labs, Dialogue, Digimax, Digital Blue, Hewlett Packard, Japanese Victor Corporation, Macintosh |
Models: | Aspire, Chocolate, Coolpix, Cyber-Shot, Digital Rebel, Easyshare, Evolt, Exilim, Explorer, Explorist, Finepix, Go, Ipod Nano, Ipod Video, Lumix, Nuvi, Pavilion Slimline, Photosmart, Powershot, Razr, Rim, Roadmate, Spectra, Cybershot |
Ordering Methods: | Order Online, Buy Online, Internet Orders, Internet Shopping, Online Orders, Shop Online, Web Orders |
Sales Volume: | 20M - 50M |
Employee Size Range: | 100-249 |
Franchise/Chain: | Branch |
Fortune 500: | Yes |
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- Electronic Parts & Equipment > Electronic Equipment & Supplies
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