Ivy's Gifts From The Vine
540 Etowah Drive
Dahlonega, GA (Georgia) 30533-5240
Dahlonega, GA (Georgia) 30533-5240
Business Details
Ivy Spraker (Owner)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Announcements, Artwork, Custom Baskets, Gift Baskets, Gifts & Gift Wrap, Invitations |
Services: | Custom Designs, Florist Services, Customized |
Specialties: | Bridal, Every Occasion, Marriage Ceremonies, Social Occasions, Wedding Day |
Professionals on Staff: | Designers, Florists |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Ivy's Gifts From The Vine is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Florists
- Gift Baskets & Parcels
- Gifts
- Florists
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Stores
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Stores > Gift Baskets
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shops
- Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shops > Gift Baskets
- Florists