1481 Northwest 65th Avenue
Plantation, FL (Florida) 33313-4505
Plantation, FL (Florida) 33313-4505
Business Details
30 years Since 1985
Jim Pond (Manager)
(866) 837-6464 (Toll Free) (954) 486-7655 (Primary Phone) (954) 519-2600 (Primary Phone) (954) 561-9222 (Primary Phone) (954) 583-9202 (Primary Phone) (954) 699-0004 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Apartments, Birds, Condominiums, Crickets, Downspouts, Drainage, Gutters, Insects, Roofs, Ventilation, Chemicals, Repellents, Agricultural Chemicals, Chemical Products, Condos, Exhaust Systems, Farm Chemicals, Spa Chemicals |
Product Features: | Commercial, Condominiums, Indoors |
Services: | Fumigation, Inspections, Moisture, Pet Safe & Child Safe, Prevention Treatments, Removals, Single Treatments, Subterranean Treatments, Ventilatio, Accounts, Apartments, Backflow Devices, Backflow Prevention, Baiting Systems, Barriers & Screens, Chemicals, Commercial, Condominiums, Consultations, Contracts, Credit, Downspouts, Drainage, Extermination |
Service Features: | Business, Housing Programs, No Odors, Odor Free |
Brands: | Sentricon, Servicemaster, Terminix |
Location Features & Amenities: | Apartments, Bees, Condominiums, Housing, Indoors, Outdoors, Roofs, Suites |
Groups Served: | Apartments, Birds, Commercial, Condominiums, Residential, Rodents, Condos |
Special Considerations: | Contracts |
Payment Mode: | Credit, Accounts |
General Content: | Condominiums, Consultations |
Sales Volume: | 5M - 10M |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Terminix is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls
- Pest & Termite Control
- Exterminating And Pest Control Services > Pest Control Services > Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls
- Disinfecting & Pest Control Services > Pest Control Services > Bird Barriers Repellents & Controls