Finelli Electric
32 Flintlock Road
Madison, CT (Connecticut) 06443-2437
Madison, CT (Connecticut) 06443-2437
Business Details
34 years Since 1981
Angela Finelli (President)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Landscape Lighting, Pools & Spas |
Services: | Changes & Upgrades, Cleaning, Commercial Projects, Commercial Services, Computer Wiring, Construction, Design, Industrial Projects, Industrial Services, Building, Business, Changeovers, Computer Cable Installation, Computer Cabling, Computer Circuits, Computer Lines, Diagnostics, Home Services, Homeowners, Homes, Homeworks, Lighting Fixtures, Phone Lines |
Service Features: | New Construction |
Specialties: | Hot Tubs & Saunas, Swimming Pools, Spas |
Special Hours: | 24-Hour Service, Emergency Services, Emergency Calls, Emergency Repairs |
Sales Volume: | 500K - 1M |
Employee Size Range: | 5-9 |
Franchise/Chain: | Headquarters |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Finelli Electric is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Electric Contractors
- Landscape Lighting
- Lighting Consultants & Contractors
- Electrical Contractors > Electrical Design & Consulting Services > Lighting Consultants & Designers
- Nursery, Garden Center, And Farm Supply Stores > Lawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies > Landscape Lighting
- Electrical Work > Electrical Design & Consulting Services > Lighting Consultants & Designers
- Retail Nurseries & Garden Stores > Lawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies > Landscape Lighting