Mile High Dental & Implant Centers
North, Malcolm E. Boone Ii Dds Ms & Assoc.
10295 North Washington
Broomfield, CO (Colorado) 80020
Broomfield, CO (Colorado) 80020
Business Details
36 years Since 1979
(303) 451-1676 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Surgery, Impeded Wisdom Teeth, I.v. Sedation (Sleep), Extractions, Immediate (Sam. Day) Dentures With Extractions, Solutions For Loose Dentures And Missing Teeth, General Dentistry, Cleanings Fillings Root Canals, Crowns & Bridges Cosmetic, Porcelain Veneers, Smile Makeovers, Emergency Patients Welcome, Financing Available |
Payment Mode: | Financing Available |
Certifications: | Financing Available |
General Content: | Since 1979, Custom Dentures Mad. B. Our Own Lab, Dental Society, Metropolitan Denver, Repairs While You Walt Implants, With Extractions, 071770Attr:dentures |
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