Discovery Bay Florists
1540 Discovery Bay Boulevard Suite B
Discovery Bay, CA (California) 94505-1002
Discovery Bay, CA (California) 94505-1002
Business Details
Linda Kelly (Owner)
Product Features: | Local, Domestic |
Services: | Florist Services |
Service Features: | Local |
Brands: | 1-800-Flowers |
Specialties: | Birthdays |
Special Hours: | Same-Day Service |
General Content: | From East Contra Costa Call |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 3 (appx) |
Additional Categories
Discovery Bay Florists is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Service Establishment Equipment
- Power Laundries, Family & Commercial
- Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
- Drycleaning And Laundry Services (Except Coin-Operated) > Power Laundries, Family & Commercial, Nec
- Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies
- Power Laundries, Family & Commercial